Approved for all engine
makes & models
Industry-leading rapid
Meets & exceeds
industry standards
Expert R & D for unique &
challanging applications
Featuring a wide variety of
plasma spray options for
all applications

The Latest in Thermal Spray Technology, Unbeatable Personalized Service

New England Plasma offers over 35 years experience innovating and
developing custom coating solutions for our customers. Whether you
have a large or small quantity of parts to be sprayed, over-sized, unique
or challenging applications, or if you have a need for research and
development, your project will be completed quickly and cost effectively.

Providing the most personalized service in the business, our hands-on project management team oversees every part that goes through our shop, ensuring that even the strictest prime manufacturer specifications and quality controls are met.

  • Custom coating development
  • In-house machine shop
  • State-of-the-art thermal spray facility
  • In-house metallographic lab for
    testing & quality control
  • Finishing and delivery

Request a Quote
or call 888-928-6561
to get your project started today